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  • jen89365

Star Realms Solo Game

One of my absolute favorite Games I own is Star Realms. Today I would like to write a Review about the Solo Version of the Game and Test it out. You can also find some Tipps and Tricks later in this Post.

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Star Realms is a Deckbuilding Game with a Space Theme. You start with a Deck of 10 Cards. With them, you start to buy better Cards. And upgrade your Deck to finally try and kill the Boss.

Difference between Star Realms and Hero Realms

Maybe you heard of the Game Hero Realms. Similar Name, Similar Concept? Yes exactly. It's the same Deckbuilding Engine but instead of Space-Theme, you have a Hero Battle Theme.


Setup is Quick and Easy.

Decide what Boss you would like to fight, and then you get yourself 2 Combat and 8 Money Starter Cards. Put 5 Cards from the Deck in the Middle of the Table and Read the Instructions on the Boss, you play against.

Your Goal is to get your Opponent to 0 Live-Points before you run out of yours.

You can play different Boss Levels, so you can start with an Easy one and gradually get higher.

How to Play Star Realms

In a normal Solo-Game, you go first. You take 3 Cards from your Deck and use them to buy new Cards. Depending on the Level you are playing your Opponent goes next or you go again. Every turn after the first, you will always use 5 Cards from your Deck.

Whenever you buy a card, the Card goes to your Discard Pile, until you run out of Cards in your Deck. So you take all your Cards in the Discard Pile and shuffle them Back into your Draw Pile.

If you or your Opponent hit 0 Lives, the Game ends.

Tipps and Tricks

Here are some Tipps and Tricks I found out, that are important to winning the Game.

- After a few Rounds, I really like the Cards, that let you Scrap your Cards. You want to Scrap the weak First Round Cards, that bring you absolutely nothing, so you have a better chance to get better Cards into your Hands.

- Try to think about the different Colors of the Faction you have in your hand. Holding 2 Cards of the Same Colors in your Hand is so important for the Game. It gives you Ally Abilities. And you really want them, so you can shoot against your Opponent faster and higher.

- Sometimes it's better to Discard a Card and use a Discard Ability than to hold on to the Card.

While playing the Automatons Solo Game - I had a few questions myself and try to find them on the Internet.

Question: Do the Automatons keep the Bases?

Answer: Yes they do, which can make them a really tough opponent to beat.

Question: Do the Automatons use Ally?

Answer: Not at first, but, when you start to get more cards and have 2 of the same colors, then yes.

If you have more questions, share them in the Comments. I try to answer them as soon as possible.

What I like about Star Realms

I like the Deckbuilding Part of the Game. And, because you have so many Cards you can Buy, not one Game you play will be the Same. So it does not get repetitive.

And with the Opponents, it is a great Solo Game.


Highly recommend this Game. If you like Solo Games that are not the same every time you play, this Game is great for this.

Get your own copy of Star Realms

Or get your own Copy of Hero Realms.

Are there some Solo Games out there that you like? Let me know in the Comments.

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