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  • jen89365

Cascadia Solo Game Review and Test Spiel des Jahres 2022

Cascadia was selected - Spiel des Jahres 2022 - The well-known Award - Game of the Year 2022. And, I could not agree more. Cascadia is a great Tile laying Game based on Animals and their Habitat. It has an Amazing Easy Solo Version of the Game. Let me show you a Gameplay and let's Review the Game together.

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For a Solo Game start a Szenario mentioned in the Rulebook. If you win, go to the next Szenario. For testing today, let's play the first Szenario. We have to achieve 80 Points with all of the A Cards.


Setup is Quick and Easy.

Get out all of the A-Cards of the 5 Animal Types. Then, let's mix up all the Tiles and keep 43 of them. The Rest goes back in the Box. Choose a random Starting Tile and we are ready to start.

Let's see, if we can get 80 Points.

How to Play Cascadia Solo

In a normal Solo-Game, you put out 4 Tiles and 4 Animals. You can take every one of these 4 Pairs. You take the Pair you chose, and then put it in your habitat. It does not matter, what Nature's Habitat touches each other. You can have a river touching a Forrest. But, you will get points by the end of the game for the biggest Habitats touching. So try and connect the same Habitats, if possible. You then need to place your Animal. You have to have a matching Animal Print on your Habitat in order to place the Animal. If not, the Animal Token goes back into the Bag and you lose Points by the End of the Game.

After you placed everything, you then take the most right Tile and the most right Animal Token and discard them. Move everything to the right and replace 2 Tiles and 2 Animals.

Your last move will be in the Round, you can't fill up to 4 Tiles anymore. In the end you should have 23 Habitats and 20 Animals on your Board.

If you cover up a Tile that has a little Leave on it, you will gain a Nature Token. These will give you Points at the End of the Game. Or you can use them to take an Animal and a Token, that is not right underneath itself.

If all 4 Animals to choose from, are the same Animal you must put them back in the Bags and get new animals out. If there are 3, you can choose to do this.

Tipps and Tricks

Here are some Tipps and Tricks I found out, that are important to winning the Game.

- If you can't decide, what Animal you would like to take, look at the Animal Cards. Sometimes taking one of the Animals, will give you way more Points by the End, then another.

- Always try to get Animals, that you have space for in your Habitat. It would be a Pain to lose Points because of that.

- Sometimes it's important to look at the Animal Cards to see, what would give you more Points by the End of the Game.

- When choosing a Tile and an Animal always think about the Right most Tile. You will lose this Tile by the End of the Round. Is it worth taking it? If you do take it, you will lose the Second Tile. Which one is better to lose?

If you have questions, share them in the Comments. I will try to answer them as soon as possible.

How to Score Cascadia

You will have a Scoring Board where you can Count all the Points you will get from the Animal Cards.

After that, you count the most Tiles a Region gives you. If you have a Region with more or equal to 7 Tiles, you will get 2 Bonus Points.

What I like about Cascadia

Cascadia has an excellent Solo play mode. The Scenarios get interesting really quickly. No game will be the same.


Highly recommend this Game. If you like Solo Games that are not the same every time you play, this Game is great for this.

Get your own copy of Cascadia

Are there some Solo Games out there that you like? Let me know in the Comments.

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